Fabien Cousteau: 31 days at 63 feet under the sea

Posted by Guido Donati 16 Nov 2013

News tips:

please read this interesting article by Nico Danan on blog.marinexplore

Fabien Cousteau: 31 Days Underwater and the Life of an Aquanaut

Fabien Cousteau is the grandson of late undersea pioneer and explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau. Following in the footsteps of his grandfather and the Conshelf underwater habitat, Fabien shares his thoughts and motivation behind Mission 31, his undersea expedition to start in November this year.

31 days at 63 feet under the sea, what will you accomplish that your grandfather could not with Conshelf?

Conshelf was a series of three different habitats. The one that most people know about was Conshelf II, where the dive team lived at 10 meters (33 feet) for 30 days, and dove to even deeper depth on a daily basis, 75 feet or more. The difference here with my grandfather’s habitat is that we are based at twice the depth, 65 feet. We will be diving daily from 65 feet down to 150 and even 200 feet......


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