In 2011, the United States has reported 1,925 cases of malaria, the most in more than 40 years
News tips:
please read this interesting article by Erin Allday on sfgate
U.S. malaria cases climb as global rates drop
Even as rates of malaria are falling in many of the world's hot spots for tropical diseases, the number of cases in the United States is climbing as global travel becomes cheaper and easier, health officials say.
Rates of malaria - a parasitic illness that is spread by mosquitoes - have dropped 25 to 50 percent in parts of Asia and Africa where the disease is endemic. But in 2011, the U.S. reported 1,925 cases, the most in more than 40 years, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a report released last week. California had the second-highest number of cases, 149, behind only New York.
All but a handful of those diagnosed in the U.S. that year became infected in another country. The report suggests that Americans are not taking proper precautions when they travel to places where malaria is prevalent.....!
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