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Disturbi alimentari: Bambino Gesù, +60% di nuovi casi dal 2019

Disturbi alimentari: Bambino Gesù, +60% di nuovi casi dal 2019

13 Marzo 2025

Nel 2024 230 nuove diagnosi di disturbi della nutrizione e...

Così si formano le onde di attività delle aree cerebrali responsabili della memoria

Così si formano le onde di attività delle aree cerebrali responsabili della memoria

13 Marzo 2025

Un team congiunto dell’Istituto di biofisica del Cnr e della...

La quasi eterna gioventù grazie alla Monarda didyma l. Scienza e natura alleate per un invecchiamento in salute

La quasi eterna gioventù grazie alla Monarda didyma l. Scienza e natura alleate per un invecchiamento in salute

13 Marzo 2025

Team di ricerca del BioAging Lab dell’Università di Padova pubblica...

Comunicazione cervello-corpo: il ruolo delle piastrine

Comunicazione cervello-corpo: il ruolo delle piastrine

12 Marzo 2025

Secondo lo studio coordinato dalla Sapienza e pubblicato sulla rivista...

Individuati due marcatori biologici comuni ad Alzheimer e SLA

Individuati due marcatori biologici comuni ad Alzheimer e SLA

11 Marzo 2025

I ricercatori dell’IRCCS Istituto Auxologico Italiano e del “Centro Dino...

L’apprendimento si legge nelle pupille dei nostri occhi

L’apprendimento si legge nelle pupille dei nostri occhi

10 Marzo 2025

Pubblicato su Current Biology uno studio condotto da ricercatori delle...

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Lunedì, 09 Ottobre 2017
Lunedì, 09 Ottobre 2017 18:03

Solar: Rapid Roll "T"  

Rapid Roll is a new patented technology for off-grid portable power – a high capacity solar power plant with a rollable tow-out solar field deployable in 2 minutes. 

The key innovation which enables this step-change improvement in the power capacity and speed of deployment of commercial-scale solar is the creation of a flexible, rollable solar PV array as a single piece “mat” with built-in structural support and power-transmission cabling embedded throughout. This mat can therefore be permanently wired in to our innovative spooling mechanism – which means that all you have to do is unroll and switch on! No cable connections or system commissioning is required on-site as it is all permanently built in to the system. 

Pubblicato in Scienceonline

 Behavioral Experiments show that women are more generous than men. Now, researchers at the UZH have been able to demonstrate that female and male brains process prosocial and selfish behavior differently. For women, prosocial behavior triggers a stronger reward signal, while male reward systems respond more strongly to selfish behavior. Behavioral experiments have shown that when women share a sum of money more generously than men. To gain a more in-depth understanding of this behavior, neuroscientists from the Department of Economics looked at the areas of the brain that are active when decisions of this kind are made. They are the first to demonstrate that the brains of men and women respond differently to prosocial and selfish behavior.

Pubblicato in Scienceonline


Le disabilità intellettive sono spesso causate da difetti genetici. Un recente studio dellIstituto di neuroscienze del Cnr di Milano, ha dimostrato che negli affetti dalla mutazione del gene TM4SF2, lazione di una particolare molecola è in grado di migliorare lattività cerebrale, favorendo il corretto transito cellulare del neurotrasmettitore glutammato. Il lavoro pubblicato su Cerebral Cortex


I disordini dello sviluppo intellettivo si manifestano durante i primi anni di vita, provocando deficit cognitivi nellambito della socializzazione e delle capacità pratiche. Le cause più frequenti legate allinsorgenza di queste patologie sono i disturbi genetici, tra cui, le mutazioni di geni localizzati sul cromosoma X, come quelle che riguardano il gene TM4SF2. Questo gene reca linformazione necessaria per la produzione della proteina TSPAN7, in assenza della quale vengono alterati numerosi processi cellulari, provocando squilibri intellettivi nella popolazione degli affetti.

Pubblicato in Medicina


Birds who live next door to family members or to other birds they know well are physically healthier and age more slowly, according to new research from the University of East Anglia (UEA). The research, conducted in collaboration with colleagues at the universities of Leeds (UK) and Groningen (the Netherlands), is published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). Much like humans, many wild animals ‘own’ a private piece of land, or territory, that they rigorously defend against intruders. Having good neighbours that respect the territory boundaries means less work and stress for territory owners – but are some neighbours better than others? Good neighbours come in two varieties. Firstly, when neighbours are extended family members, they share genes and therefore refrain from fighting over space or intruding into each other’s territories. Second, if neighbours know each other well, they should keep the peace and cooperate with each other in order to prevent new neighbours, with whom they must resettle all the rules regarding territory boundaries, from moving into the neighbourhood.

Pubblicato in Scienceonline
Lunedì, 09 Ottobre 2017 09:36

Eternal witch-hunt for the fat body


Eriksen Camilla Bruun. Foto: Syddansk Universitet

“The fat body carries a secret that has to be revealed at all costs; it is a living symptom that something has ‘gone wrong’,” says Camilla Bruun Eriksen. She has studied the representation of fat bodies in popular culture. The year 2004 is perhaps a point of departure. This year, the first season of Biggest Loser was broadcasted in the U.S. The programme shows a group of overweight people compete with each other over who will have the biggest weight loss within a couple of months. The following year, a Nordic version of the show, Slankekrigen,premiered on TVNorge with participants from Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Since then, the concept has continued with new seasons of Biggest Loser, and a constant flow of other reality shows revolving around weight loss.

Pubblicato in Scienceonline


Mr Inderjit Singh (right), Chairman of NTUitive, NTU’s innovation and enterprise arm, was given a showcase of Emma by Mr Albert Zhang (middle), Founder of AiTreat, and NTU PhD student Liu Kai (left).


 A robot masseuse has started work in Singapore today. Named Emma, short for Expert Manipulative Massage Automation, it specialises in back and knee massages as it mimics the human palm and thumb to replicate therapeutic massages such as shiatsu and physiotherapy. Emma started work on her first patients today at the NovaHealth Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) clinic, working alongside her human colleagues – a physician and a massage therapist. Emma 3.0 – the first to go into public service – is a third more compact than the first prototype unveiled last year, offers a wider range of massage programmes and provides a massage that is described by patients as almost indistinguishable from a professional masseuse. Emma uses advanced sensors to measure tendon and muscle stiffness, together with Artificial Intelligence and cloud-based computing to calculate the optimal massage and to track a patient’s recovery over a course of treatments. Emma is developed by AiTreat, a technology start-up company incubated at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore).

Pubblicato in Scienceonline


For many breast cancer patients, the complete or partial loss of their breasts after tumour removal is traumatising. “There is no need to worry because there are many methods of restoring breasts to ensure the integrity of the body and femininity. What is important is the early and precise planning of therapy and treatment at a special centre such as the MedUni Vienna and the Vienna General Hospital (AKH)," says Christine Radtke, Head of the Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the MedUni Vienna/ Vienna General Hospital, member of the Comprehensive Cancer Center of MedUni Vienna/ Vienna General Hospital and expert for breast reconstruction, on the occasion of the Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October. Every year, 5,000 women come down with breast cancer in Austria. Surgical removal of the tumour is still one of the most important components of a successful therapy, but often results in the loss of breast tissue or makes complete removal of the breast necessary. Radtke would like to encourage the women concerned, because as long as there is no other life-threatening concomitant disease, there are almost no limits today when it comes to reconstructing the breast completely or partially.

Pubblicato in Scienceonline

Placental samples are collected after birth and stored at -80 celsius degrees (photo: P Lehtinen)



Researchers at the University of Helsinki, Finland, have found a genetic variation, which associates with the damage caused by maternal alcohol consumption. This genetic variation clarifies the role of genetic factors in the alcohol-induced developmental disorders and could be useful in future diagnostics. The effects of prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) on placental genes involved in growth and on the size of affected newborns were explored in the study performed at the University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital in Finland. The researchers observed that alcohol alters epigenetic marks on the placenta and also the head size of newborn, depending on the genetic variation inherited from the parents. Epigenetic marks are molecules, which bind to DNA sequence. They regulate the activity of genes and thus production of proteins in the cells. The research material was 39 alcohol-exposed and 100 control placentas. They were collected from mothers who gave birth in the Helsinki University Hospital and had given approval for their participation in the study.

Pubblicato in Scienceonline

Experts at St George’s, University of London, have reported that an Ebola vaccine is safe for children as well as adults and produces an immune response. The worst Ebola virus disease outbreak in history ended in 2016 after infecting 28,600 people and killing about 11,300 worldwide. The outbreak led to urgent action by medical experts across the world to combat this devastating disease; including the setting up of trials of vaccines to stop the disease taking hold.

This global commitment to develop a vaccine against the disease suggested eight options, out of a starting pool of 15 candidates, should be evaluated in clinical trials worldwide by the end of 2015. Professor Sanjeev Krishna, of St George’s University of London’s Institute for Infection and Immunity, said: “An unprecedented Ebola outbreak showed how it is possible for academics, non-governmental organisations, industry and funders to work effectively together very quickly in times of medical crisis. The results of the trial show how a vaccine could best be used to tackle this terrible disease effectively.

Pubblicato in Scienceonline


Disturbi alimentari: Bambino Gesù, +60% di nuovi casi dal 2019

Disturbi alimentari: Bambino Gesù, +60% di nuovi casi dal 2019

13 Marzo 2025

Nel 2024 230 nuove diagnosi di disturbi della nutrizione e...


Ercolano - La caldissima nube di cenere vesuviana del 79 d.c. ha trasformato il cervello umano in vetro

Ercolano - La caldissima nube di cenere vesuviana del 79 d.c. ha trasformato il cervello umano in vetro

06 Marzo 2025

Lo scheletro del guardiano nel suo letto di legno presso Collegium Augustalium, nel Parco...

Geografia e Storia

Corna, zanne e palchi: un innovativo protocollo apre nuove frontiere per la ricostruzione digitale di crani complessi

Corna, zanne e palchi: un innovativo protocollo apre nuove frontiere per la ricostruzione digitale di crani complessi

10 Marzo 2025

Un team di ricercatori della Sapienza ha sviluppato un innovativo protocollo per la ricostruzione...

Astronomia e Spazio

Solaris: le prime immagini in banda radio del Sole dal nuovo osservatorio italiano in Antartide

Solaris: le prime immagini in banda radio del Sole dal nuovo osservatorio italiano in Antartide

04 Marzo 2025

L’osservatorio Solaris è un innovativo progetto scientifico e tecnologico - frutto...

Scienze Naturali e Ambiente


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