The study first demonstrate the relevance of the non-human primate (NHP) model. This showed that the disease observed in macaques is very similar to the disease observed in the majority of COVID-19 patients who do not need hospitalization.
The use of an animal model in this study was critical to characterize the pharmacokinetics of HCQ, i.e. analyzing the concentration of HCQ in blood and in the lung tissues, which is not feasible in humans, to ensure that it reaches sufficient levels compatible with those required to obtain an antiviral effect in the Vero cells in vitro model.
The major results of the study are that HCQ did not protect the animals in the prophylactic setting and none of the HCQ treatment strategies showed any significant effect on SARS-CoV-2 viral loads when compared to placebo treated animals.
This preclinical study, complementing the ongoing HCQ clinical studies, brings new highlights in the understanding of the pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 infection and the value of HCQ for preventing and treating infection in humans.