How cannabis and cannabis-based drugs harm your brain
Long-term use of either cannabis or cannabis-based drugs impairs memory say researchers. The study has implications for both recreational users and people who use the drug to combat epilepsy, multiple sclerosis and chronic pain. They found that mice exposed to the drug long-term had “significant … memory impairments” and could not even discriminate between a familiar and novel object.
There is little understanding of the potential negative side effects of long-term cannabinoid exposure, though it is already known that heavy, regular cannabis use increases the risk of developing mental health problems including psychosis and schizophrenia.
More and more people are using the drug long-term due to its legalisation in several countries, while more potent varieties are available for recreational users.
Researchers from Lancaster and Lisbon Universities studied the effects of the cannabinoid drug WIN 55,212-2 in mice and found that:
- Long-term exposure impairs learning and memory in the animals
- Brain imaging studies showed that the drug impairs function in key brain regions involved in learning and memory
- Long-term exposure to the drug impairs the ability of brain regions involved in learning and memory to communicate with each other, suggesting that this underlies the negative effects of the drug on memory
'Odore delle cellule' e tumori, studio dell'Universita' di Tor Vergata

Questo risultato sostanzia un risultato precedente ottenuto in vitro dallo stesso gruppo di ricerca. Per la prima volta e' stata registrata su modelli animali un cambiamento del profilo dei composti volatili rilasciati da cellule staminali hiPSCs ("l'odore della cellule") che segnala con estrema precisione il momento esatto in cui tali cellule iniziano il loro processo di differenziamento. Le cellule iPS sono cellule staminali, derivate da cellule somatiche in cui e' stato riportato indietro l'orologio biologico. Sono in grado di differenziare in qualsiasi tipo di cellula umana specializzata, capace di svolgere funzioni specifiche (come fegato, polmoni, cuore).