Scoperto da ricercatori italiani un meccanismo che provoca morte cardiaca improvvisa

Madrid has one of the greatest concentrations of sites with remains of elephants and mammoths in Europe

Researchers from the CENIEH have participated in a paper published in the journal Quaternary International which brings out the importance of the valleys of the rivers Manzanares and Jarama in studying the relationship between human groups prior to our own species and proboscideans. Susana Rubio Jara and Joaquín Panera, archaeologists at the Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana (CENIEH), have participated in a paper published in the journal Quaternary International which reviews more than 40 Pleistocene archaeological sites in the vicinity of Madrid, in the valleys of the rivers Manzanares and Jarama where one of the greatest concentrations of remains of elephants and mammoths in Europe is found.
The study of the remains of these large mammals, from the taphonomic point of view, has allowed it to be determined that, while the number of sites where their use is documented during the Lower Palaeolithic is generally much higher in Europe, in these Madrid valleys they are more frequent in the Middle Palaeolithic.
“This indicates that for the Neanderthals who wandered around the valleys of the Manzanares and Jarama, the proboscideans comprised an essential resource too, and implies that human groups with different lithic technologies, Acheulean and Mousterian, exploited this animal resource repeatedly over time”, comments Rubio.
Binge-eating mice reveal obesity clues

Obesity is a growing issue in many countries, accelerated by easy access to calorie-dense foods that are pleasurable to eat (known as an ‘obesogenic environment’). But while it’s clear that eating too much leads to weight gain, little is known about the underlying behaviours that lead to overeating.
To mimic this obesogenic environment, the teams led by Mara Dierssen at CRG and Rafael Maldonado at UPF offered mice the option of a high-fat ‘cafeteria’ diet or a mixture of chopped-up commercial chocolate bars alongside their regular lab chow, before carrying out a detailed analysis of the animals’ activity and feeding behaviour. Their results have been published in two back-to-back articles in the journal Addiction Biology. Working together with Cedric Notredame (CRG) and Elena Martín-García (UPF), the scientists found that as well as becoming obese, the mice started very early to show the signs of addiction-like behaviour and binge-eating in response to these enticing foods. For example, when offered chocolate for just one hour per day, the animals will compulsively ‘binge’, consuming as much chocolate in one hour as they would over a whole day if it was continually available. They also showed inflexible behaviours, similar to those seen in addiction, choosing to wait for chocolate while ignoring freely available standard chow. Yet, at the same time, the chocolate did not seem to satiate hunger as well as regular food.
Scoperto da ricercatori italiani un meccanismo che provoca morte cardiaca improvvisa

Sie: "Pelle e capelli campanelli d'allarme per la tiroide"

Gli ormoni tiroidei hanno infatti un importante ruolo nel mantenere le normali funzioni cutanee come il consumo di ossigeno, la divisione cellulare, la sintesi delle proteine, lo spessore cutaneo, la normale secrezione di sebo e la crescita di peli e capelli. Alcune di queste azioni degli ormoni tiroidei sono dirette e altre sono indirette e legate ad effetti piu' generali come ad esempio la produzione di calore e la circolazione del sangue periferica. Una tiroide che non funziona correttamente e' responsabile di molte alterazioni della pelle e degli annessi cutanei quali capelli e unghie: e' quindi molto importante valutare questi aspetti perche' potrebbero essere dei campanelli di allarme per le patologie tiroidee piu' diffuse"."Nel caso di una ridotta produzione di ormoni tiroidei, cioe' nell'ipotiroidismo, la pelle e' pallida, secca e fredda e se si ha un ipotiroidismo di lunga durata le palme delle mani e dei piedi possono assumere un colorito giallo-arancione per accumulo di carotene. Per quanto riguarda i capelli, essi sono opachi, secchi e fragili e si puo' avere perdita anche di barba, peli pubici e del terzo laterale del sopracciglio. Inoltre, nel 90% degli ipotiroidei le unghie sono sottili, fragili, di dimensioni ridotte, con delle striature longitudinali e trasversali e crescono meno velocemente. Proporzionalmente alla gravita' dell'ipotiroidismo si ha anche una guarigione delle ferite ritardata".
Scienzaonline con sottotitolo Sciencenew - Periodico
Autorizzazioni del Tribunale di Roma – diffusioni:
telematica quotidiana 229/2006 del 08/06/2006
mensile per mezzo stampa 293/2003 del 07/07/2003
Scienceonline, Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Roma 228/2006 del 29/05/06
Pubblicato a Roma – Via A. De Viti de Marco, 50 – Direttore Responsabile Guido Donati