Covid: bassa la trasmissione del virus attraverso le lacrime dei bambini
Lo studio, pubblicato sul Journal of American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, è il primo di oftalmologia pediatrica sul Coronavirus
Il rischio di contagio attraverso le lacrime dei bambini esiste ma è molto basso. Lo dimostra uno studio del Bambino Gesù pubblicato sulla rivista scientifica Journal of American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. La ricerca è stata condotta tra marzo e aprile nei bambini ricoverati presso il Centro Covid di Palidoro. È la prima pubblicazione internazionale in campo oftalmologico dedicata al Coronavirus in età pediatrica.
Researchers identify potent antibody cocktail to treat COVID-19
Publication highlights process for yielding array of human antibodies that target protein on virus
Researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM) evaluated several human antibodies to determine the most potent combination to be mixed in a cocktail and used as a promising anti-viral therapy against the virus that causes COVID-19. Their research, conducted in collaboration with scientists at Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, was published today in the journal Science. The study demonstrates the rapid process of isolating, testing and mass-producing antibody therapies against any infectious disease by using both genetically engineered mice and plasma from recovered COVID-19 patients.
The antibody cocktail evaluated by UMSOM researchers will be used to treat COVID-19 patients in a clinical trial that was launched last week. The study was funded by Regeneron, a biotechnology company based in Tarrytown, New York.
Antibodies are proteins the immune system naturally makes in response to foreign invaders like viruses and bacteria. Antibody therapies were first tried in the late 19th century when researchers used a serum derived from the blood of infected animals to treat diphtheria.
Coal-burning in Siberia led to climate change 250 million years ago
A lump of coal weathering out from Siberian flood basalts in a quarry near the town of Ust Ilimsk Credit: Scott Simper
A team of researchers led by Arizona State University (ASU) School of Earth and Space Exploration professor Lindy Elkins-Tanton has provided the first ever direct evidence that extensive coal burning in Siberia is a cause of the Permo-Triassic Extinction, the Earth's most severe extinction event. The results of their study have been recently published in the journal Geology.
For this study, the international team led by Elkins-Tanton focused on the volcaniclastic rocks (rocks created by explosive volcanic eruptions) of the Siberian Traps, a region of volcanic rock in Russia. The massive eruptive event that formed the traps is one of the largest known volcanic events in the last 500 million years. The eruptions continued for roughly two million years and spanned the Permian-Triassic boundary. Today, the area is covered by about three million square miles of basaltic rock.
This is ideal ground for researchers seeking an understanding of the Permo-Triassic extinction event, which affected all life on Earth approximately 252 million years ago. During this event, up to 96% of all marine species and 70% of terrestrial vertebrate species became extinct.
New algorithm uses artificial intelligence to help manage type 1 diabetes
OHSU algorithm could be useful in maintaining safe levels of glucose
Researchers and physicians at Oregon Health & Science University, using artificial intelligence and automated monitoring, have designed a method to help people with type 1 diabetes better manage their glucose levels.
The research was published in the journal Nature Metabolism.
"Our system design is unique," said lead author Nichole Tyler, an M.D.-Ph.D. student in the OHSU School of Medicine. "We designed the AI algorithm entirely using a mathematical simulator, and yet when the algorithm was validated on real-world data from people with type 1 diabetes at OHSU, it generated recommendations that were highly similar to recommendations from endocrinologists."
That's significant because the people with diabetes typically go three to six months between appointments with their endocrinologist.
In that time, they can be at risk of dangerous complications if glucose levels in their blood rise too high or fall too low. People with type 1 diabetes do not produce their own insulin, so they must take it continuously through the day using an insulin pump or through multiple daily injections. The algorithm developed by OHSU scientists uses data collected from a continuous glucose monitor and wireless insulin pens to provide guidance on adjustments.
"Caratterizzazione, Progettazione ed Esecuzione di interventi di risanamento ambientale e discariche abusive: aspetti giuridici e tecnici"
25 giugno dalle ore 10:00 alle 12.30
Il Consiglio Nazionale dei Geologi, in collaborazione con l'Ordine dei Geologi della Regione Calabria, organizza il 25 giugno dalle ore 10 alle 12.30 il Convegno online "Caratterizzazione, Progettazione ed Esecuzione di interventi di risanamento ambientale e discariche abusive: aspetti giuridici e tecnici".
Al centro del convegno ci saranno i temi dello smaltimento illecito di rifiuti, spesso pericolosi e della lotta alle discariche abusive su tutto il territorio nazionale, in particolar modo si prenderà in considerazione la questione dei rifiuti speciali abbandonati in Calabria. Tra i punti che saranno affrontati anche la messa in sicurezza e la bonifica dei siti inquinati oltre che il risanamento ambientale di aree particolarmente degradate. Inoltre si parlerà anche del ruolo, delle funzioni e della gestione degli appalti nelle gare di lavori pubblici.
Il Presidente GISE Giuseppe Tarantini: “Con l’epidemia c’è stato un crollo degli accessi, dovuto alla paura dei cittadini, ma anche alla riorganizzazione degli ospedali. Dobbiamo ripartire dalle Regioni per offrire subito e in maniera omogenea i dispositivi medici più innovativi. Così riduciamo le liste d’attesa”.
Roma, 17 giugno 2020 – “Dobbiamo lavorare ad una nuova fase, investendo nel recupero degli interventi salvavita, per evitare ai pazienti con gravi patologie cardiovascolari di allungare ulteriormente il tempo di attesa. Ripartiamo dal confronto con Governo e Regioni per discutere, partendo dai dati, potenziali soluzioni da offrire su tutto il territorio nazionale, ridurre le liste d’attesa e aumentare la qualità della vita delle persone”. Questo il messaggio di Giuseppe Tarantini, Presidente della Società Italiana di Cardiologia Interventistica alla vigilia del Thinkheart 2020, il convegno che il GISE (già Gruppo Italiano Studi Emodinamici) dedica ai dati di attività di cardiologia diagnostica e interventistica.
Antidepressant inhibits coronavirus
For more than four decades, fluoxetine has been used to treat depression and other mental health problems in humans. Now the drug could also help combat Covid-19. A study conducted by virologists and chemists at the University of Würzburg has shown that fluoxetine significantly inhibits viral replication of SARS-CoV-2. The scientists believe that this makes it suitable for the early treatment of infected patients who are at a higher risk for severe illness.
The study is led by Professor Jochen Bodem and his team from the Institute of Virology and Immunobiology at the University of Würzburg with support from Professor Jürgen Seibel from the Institute of Organic Chemistry. The scientists have published the results of their study on the bioRxiv preprint server.

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